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Google scholar:

After starting independent career at SDSMT: 

32. J. Liu,  S. Smith, C. Wang*, “Photothermal Attenuation of Cancer Cell Stemness, Chemoresistance, and Migration Using CD44-Targeted MoS2 Nanosheets”,
Nano Letters, 2023,  23,1989–1999.

31. Z. Li, J. Liu, K. Ballard, C. Liang, C. Wang*, "Low-dose albumin-coated gold nanorods induce intercellular gaps on vascular endothelium by causing the contraction of cytoskeletal actin", 
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2023, 649, 844-854.

30. J. Liu, A. Rickel, S. Smith, Z. Hong*, C. Wang*, "Non-cytotoxic doses of metal-organic framework nanoparticles increase endothelial permeability by inducing actin reorganization", Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2023, 634, 323-335. 

29. J. Liu,  S. Smith, C. Wang*, “Reversing the Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in Metastatic Cancer Cells Using CD146-Targeted Black Phosphorus Nanosheets and a Mild Photothermal Treatment”, ACS Nano, 2022, 16, 3208–3220.

28. J. Liu, L. Kang, S. Smith, C. Wang*, “Transmembrane MUC18 targeted polydopamine nanoparticles and a mild photothermal effect synergistically disrupt actin cytoskeleton and migration of cancer cells”, Nano Letters, 2021, 21, 9609–9618.

27. D. Kota, L. Kang, A. Rickel, J. Liu, S. Smith, Z. Hong*, C. Wang*, "Low doses of zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 nanoparticles alter the actin organization and contractility of vascular smooth muscle cells,"
Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 414, 125514.

26. J. Liu, L. Kang, P. Ahrenkiel, S. Smith, C. Wang*, “Targeting cancer cell adhesion molecule, CD146, with low-dose gold nanorods and mild hyperthermia disrupts actin cytoskeleton and cancer cell migration”,
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2021, 601, 556-569.

25. L. Kang, S. Smith, C. Wang*, "Stabilization of Surface-bound Antibodies for ELISA based on a Reversable Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework-8 Coating,"
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2021, 588, 101-109.

24. L. Kang, S. Smith, C. Wang*, "Metal-organic Framework Preserves Biorecognition of Antibodies on Nanoscale Surfaces Validated by Single Molecule Force Spectroscopy,"
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12, 3011-3020.

Before joining SDSMT:

23. R. Hu, R. Gupta, Z. Wang, C. Wang, H. Sun, S. Singamaneni, E. Kharasch, J. Morrissey, "Bioplasmonic paper–based assay for perilipin-2 non-invasively detects renal cancer," Kidney International, 2019, 96, 1417-1421.

22. C. Wang, G. Sudlow, Z. Wang, S. Cao, Q. Jiang, J. Morrissey, E. Kharasch, S. Achilefu, S. Singamaneni, “Metal-organic framework encapsulation preserves the bioactivity of protein therapeutics,” Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2018, 7, 1800950.

21. J. Luan, J. Morrissey, Z. Wang, H. Derami, K. Liu, S. Cao, Q. Jiang, C. Wang, E. Kharasch, R. Naik, S. Singamaneni, "Add-on plasmonic patch as a universal fluorescence enhancer," Light: Science & Applications, 2018, 7, 29.

21. C Wang, H Sun, J Luan, Q Jiang, S Tadepalli, J Morrissey, E Kharasch, S Singamaneni, “Metal-organic framework encapsulation for biospecimen preservation”, Chemistry of Materials, 2018, 30, 1291-1300.

20. C Wang, L Wang, S Tadepalli, J Morrissey, E Kharasch, R Naik, S Singamaneni, “Ultra-robust biochips with metal-organic framework coatings for point-of-care diagnosis”, ACS Sensors, 2018, 3, 342-351.

19. C Wang, S Tadepalli, J Luan, K Liu, J Morrissey, E Kharasch, R Naik, S Singamaneni, “Metal-organic framework as a protective coating for biodiagnostic chips”, Advanced Materials, 2017, 29, 1604433.

18. C Wang, R Hu, J Morrissey, E Kharasch, S Singamaneni, “Single molecule force spectroscopy to compare natural versus artificial antibody-antigen interaction”, Small, 2017, 13, 1604255.

17. C Wang, C Stanciu, C Ehrhardt, V Yadavalli, “Nanoscale characterization of forensically relevant epithelial cells and surface associated extracellular DNA”, Forensic Science International, 2017, 277, 252-258.

16. R Gol, C Wang, R Gupta, V Yadavalli, “Synthesis of self-suspending silica proppants using photoactive hydrogels”, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2017, 157, 651-656.

15. C Wang, J Luan, S Tadepalli, K Liu, J Morrissey, E Kharasch, R Naik, S Singamaneni, “Silk-encapsulated plasmonic biochips with enhanced thermal stability”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8, 26493-26500.

14. T Paul, Z Hoffmann, C Wang, M Shanmugasundaram, J DeJoannis, A Shekhtman, I Lednev, V Yadavalli, R Prabhakar, “Structural and mechanical properties of amyloid beta fibrils: a combined experimental and theoretical approach”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2016, 7, 2758-2764.

13. C Wang, O Zolotarskaya, S Nair, C Ehrhardt, D Ohman, K Wynne, V Yadavalli, “Real-time observation of antimicrobial polycation effects on Escherichia coli: adapting the carpet model for membrane disruption to quaternary copolyoxetanes”, Langmuir, 2016, 32, 2975-2984.

12. R Pal, A Farghaly, C Wang, Me Collinson, S Kundu, V Yadavall, “Conducting polymer-silk biocomposites for flexible and biodegradable electrochemical sensors”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2016, 81, 294-302.

11. C Wang, C Ehrhardt, V Yadavalli, “Nanoscale imaging and hydrophobicity mapping of the antimicrobial effect of copper on bacterial surfaces”, Micron, 2016, 88, 16-23.

10. C Wang, C Stanciu, C Ehrhardt, V Yadavalli, “Evaluation of whole cell fixation methods for the analysis of nanoscale surface features of Yersinia pestis KIM”, Journal of Microscopy, 2016, 263, 260-267.

9. C Wang, C Stanciu, C Ehrhardt, V Yadavalli, “The effect of growth temperature on the nanoscale biochemical surface properties of Yersinia pestis”, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2016, 408, 5585-5591.

8. R Pal, N Kurland, C Wang, S Kundu, V Yadavalli, “Biopatterning of silk proteins for soft micro-optics”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 7, 8809-8816.

7. C Wang, Y Jin, U Desai, V Yadavalli, “Investigation of the heparin-thrombin interaction by dynamic force spectroscopy”, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 2015, 1850, 1099-1106.

6. C Wang, C Ehrhardt, V Yadavalli, “Single cell profiling of surface carbohydrates on Bacillus cereus”, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 2015, 12, 20141109.

5. C Wang, C Stanciu, C Ehrhardt, V Yadavalli, “Morphological and mechanical imaging of Bacillus cereus spore formation at the nanoscale”, Journal of Microscopy, 2015, 258, 49-58.

4. C Wang, V Yadavalli, “Spatial recognition and mapping of proteins using DNA aptamers”, Nanotechnology, 2014, 25, 455101.

3. C Wang, V Yadavalli, “Investigating biomolecular recognition at the cell surface using atomic force microscopy”, Micron, 2014, 60, 5-17.  

2. N Kurland, T Dey, C Wang, S Kundu, V Yadavalli, “Silk protein lithography as a route to fabricate sericin microarchitectures”, Advanced Materials, 2014, 26, 4431-4437.

1. C Wang, J Wang, L Deng, “Evaluating interaction forces between BSA and rabbit anti-BSA in sulphathiazole sodium, tylosin and levofloxacin solution by AFM”, Nanoscale Research Letters, 2011, 6,579.

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